Page 9 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
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GHV                                                                                                                                         Class 2A, District 2 Football
                                         Page 10                                                                                                                                     Scores From 9-25                  Games for 10-2

                                                                                                                                                                                     Clear Lake 63, C-G-D 38         W-SR @ Clear Lake

                                                                                                                                                                                     Charles City 40, GHV 12         GHV @ Osage

                                                                                                                                                                                     Forest City 7, Estherville 6 Forest City @ C-G-D

                                                                                                                                                                                     H-D 40, Osage 14                H-D @ Estherville

Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	                                                                                                                                                                               Sept. 30, 2015 • Page 9

Clear Lake Reporter                      Lions roar past
                                         C-G-D/CAL in
  SPORTS                                 63-38 romp
                                         	 Zach Tatum scored six             more touchdowns by Tatum            Clear Lake’s Ryan Atkinson gets a hold of C-G-D/CAL player and brings him down during Friday night’s home contest at Lion’s Field. The Lions
Thursday                                 touchdowns and helped the           on runs of seven and one-yard,      beat the Cowboys, 63-38 in Class 2A District 2 action. -Reporter photos by Chris Barragy
                                         Clear Lake Lions roar past          along with PATs by Anderson.
•Clear Lake 8th grade football           Clarion-Goldfield-Dows/CAL          One score was set up by a punt      13 times for 131-yards. The re-     Clear Lake’s Jarod Anderson gains some ground behind some good blocking by Parker Truesdell (7) and Cody
home vs. Mason City, 4:30 p.m.           Friday night, 63-38. The Lions      blocked by Parker Pitzen, giv-      mainder of Clear Lake’s yardage     Matz. Anderson had four carries for 20-yards.
•Clear Lake 7th grade at Mason           improved to 3-0 in Class 2A,        ing the ball to the Lions deep in   was scattered among Anderson,
City, 4:30 p.m.                          District 2, while the Cowboys       Cowboy territory. The second        four carries for 20-yards; South-   Clear Lake Lions football.”     Since opening with wins over    a variety of sets and his team will
•Clear Lake 10th grade football at       fell to 0-3, 1-4.                   demonstrated perfect execution      wick, three for 16-yards; Pitzen,   	 This Friday the Lions will    Waterloo West and Mason City,   need to be ready to adjust to a
Waverly-Shell Rock, 6 p.m.               	 While always willing to           of the two-minute drill, with       two for 13; and Nick Eggers,        play a non-district match-up    the Go-Hawks have lost three    diverse offense.
•Clear Lake 9th/JV/V volleyball          take a win, Coach Jared DeVries     the Lions moving the ball from      one tote for four-yards.            with Waverly-Shell Rock (2-3).  straight. DeVries said WSR has
home vs. Central Springs, 6 p.m.         wasn’t entirely pleased with the    their own 24 to the endzone in      	 Lester was 5/10 passing for
•GHV 7th and 8th grade volleyball        play of his team.                   just over one-minute.               59-yards and ran the ball nine
home vs. Eagle Grove, 4:15 p.m.          	 “We have a lot to clean           	 Pogge struck again early in       times for 11. Tatum caught two
•GHV JV/V cross country at Hamp-         up,” said DeVries. “But credit      the second half to give the Cow-    passes for 23-yards. Anderson,
ton-Dumont, 5 p.m.                       Clarion-Goldfield, they made it     boys at least momentary hope        Crispin and Cody Matz had one
                                         a fight. They are a good team       that they could play with the       catch apiece for 16, 13 and one-
Friday                                   and had a great player making       Lions. The speedy senior broke      yard respectively.
                                         big plays.”                         loose from his own 25 to scam-      	 Justin Sholly and Ben
•Clear Lake 9th grade football           	 The Lions were steady and         per 75-yards for a touchdown.       Mason were busy on defense,
home vs. Waverly-Shell Rock, 5           effective on offense, while the     The two-point play made it 35-      with Sholly making three solo
p.m.                                     Cowboys relied on bigs plays to     24.                                 tackles and eight assists, along
•CLHS Dance Team performance             score their points.                 	 Tatum answered the call           with a fumble recovery. Mason
at varsity football pre-game, 7 p.m.     	 Clear Lake got on the score-      on Clear Lake’s next possession,    had one solo and seven assists.
•Clear Lake V football home vs.          board first, helped by a Cowboy     capping a nine play, 59-yard        Tatum recorded three solo and
Waverly-Shell Rock, 7:30 p.m.            fumble recovered by Ryan At-        drive with a TD. The kick gave      four tackle assists. Anderson
•GHV JJV football at Osage, 4:45         kinson near field. Zach Lester      the Lions some breathing room,      also made three solo and two
p.m.                                     and the Lion offense needed         42-24.                              assists. Joey Monson, Tanner
•GHV V football at Osage, 7:30           just five plays to go 50-yards for  	 The scoring barrage con-          Berger and Atkinson each had
p.m.                                     their first score. Tatum reached    tinued, as the Cowboys went         two solo tackles, with Atkinson
                                         pay dirt rambling for 35-yards      63-yards to pull back within a      also getting in on five others and
Monday                                   behind solid blocking. Jarod        dozen, 42-30. Anderson tipped       recording a sack.
                                         Anderson kicked the PAT for a       the two-point pass try away for     	 DeVries said he saw growth
•GHV MS cross country at Lake            7-0 Lion lead.                      the Lions.                          in his offensive line, which
Mills, 4:30 p.m.                         	 In the first of several big       	 It was Clear Lake’s turn to       opened huge holes for Tatum
•GHV JV football home vs. Osage,         plays, the Cowboys’ Zach Pogge      score again, with Garrington        and others, but noted improve-
6 p.m.                                   returned the ensuing kickoff        getting his second TD on a 44-      ment is needed on both side of
                                         90-yards to silence the home        yard run, 49-30.                    the ball. “I would say there is
Tuesday                                  crowd. The visitor opted to         	 The Cowboys wouldn’t give         more of a sense of urgency to
                                         go for two-point conversions        up and went 73-yards on nine        shore up our defense. In the
•Clear Lake MS/JV/V cross country        throughout the night and was        plays for their final score of the  first half, they play was accept-
at Eagle Grove, 4 p.m.                   successful on four attempts.        night. A 25-yard run and two-       able. The second half was not
•Clear Lake 8th grade volleyball         The first conversion put the        point conversion made the score
home vs. Forest City, 4:15 p.m.          Cowboys on top, 8-7.                49-38.
•Clear Lake 7th grade volleyball at      	 The Lions quickly respond-        	 Halston Southwick gave
Forest City, 4:15 p.m.                   ed with an eight play, 63-yard      the Lions the first of two fourth
•Clear Lake 8th grade football at        score barely past the midway        quarter scores. He finished out
Webster City, 4:30 p.m.                  mark in the first quarter. Tatum    a drive that started at mid-field
•Clear Lake 7th grade football           recorded his second score from      with a 12-yard touchdown run.
home vs. Webster City, 4:30 p.m.         one-yard out and Anderson’s         Tatum capped his 257-yard
•GHV 7th and 8th grade football          kick was good to put the Lions      night with a 87-yard touchdown
home vs. Lake Mills, 4:15 p.m.           on top, 14-8.                       run late in the game. After being
•GHV JV/V cross country at Eagle         	 Fullback Carter Garrington        hit at the 25, he tip-toed down
Grove, 5 p.m.                            put the Lions ahead by two          the sideline to the endzone, ac-
•GHV JJV/JV/V volleyball home vs.        touchdowns with a 37-yard           counting for more than half of
North Union, 6 p.m.                      run to the endzone. Anderson’s      the Lions’ offensive yards in the
                                         third kick was again good, 21-8.    game.
•Football: Sat., Oct. 3, at Wiscon-      	 By halftime Clear Lake was        	 Garrington also had a pro-
sin, 11 a.m.                             in control, 35-16, thanks to two    ductive night, carrying the ball

•Football: Sat., Oct. 3, home vs.                                                                                                                            Clear Lake cross country
Kansas, 11 a.m.                                                                                                                                              teams run in competitive meet
•Women’s Cross Country: Sat.,                                                                                                                                	 Clear Lake
Oct. 3, at Greater Louisville Clas-                                                                                                                          cross country
sic, 9:15 a.m.                                                                                                                                               teams com-
                                                                                                                                                             peted at Hum-
•Football: Sat., Oct. 3, at Illinois                                                                                                                         boldt last week.
State, noon                                                                                                                                                  The boys team
                                                                                                                                                             finished fifth in
•Baseball: Thursday, Oct. 1, at IC-                                                                                                                          a very competi-
CAC Showcase, Cedar Rapids                                                                                                                                   tive 18-team
•Volleyball: Sat., Oct. 3, home NI-                                                                                                                          race. The Lion
ACC Tournament                                                                                                                                               girls were ninth
•Men’s and Women’s Cross Coun-                                                                                                                               overall.
try: Sat., Oct. 3, at University of Ar-                                                                                                                      	 “The meet
kansas Chile Pepper, 10 a.m.                                                                                                                                 was held on a           ERIC FAUGHT                     RYAN FAUGHT
•Men’s Soccer: Sat., Oct. 3, at
Scott CC, 1 p.m.                                                                                                                                             nearly perfect                               in 21:57. Katelyn Moore was next in 36th
•Men’s & Women’s Golf: Sun., Oct.                                                                                                                            night, except for for the bees,” said Coach  place in a time of 23:45, followed by Bai-
4, at Waldorf College Invitational,                                                                                                                          Nick DiMarco. “Several Lion runners were     ley Larsen in 61st place in a time of 25:28.
11 a.m.                                                                                                                                                      stung during the races at Sheldon Park.”
•Men’s Soccer: Tues., Oct. 6,                                                                                                                                	 The boys, rated seventh in the State Alena Gabrielson was close behind in 66th
home vs. Iowa Central, 4 p.m.                                                                                                                                in Class 2A, also felt the sting of their fifth place in a time of 25:49. Rounding out
•Volleyball: Tues., Oct. 6, at Mar-                                                                                                                          place finish.                                the scoring was Tali Tesar, finishing 78th
shalltown CC, 7 p.m.                                                                                                                                         	 “The team was a bit disappointed in        in 26:30. Completing the varsity team was
                                                                                                                                                             what place they received, but they only      Nikki Tesar and Kara Reineke, finishing
•Men’s Golf: Mon.-Tues., Oct. 5-6,                                                                                                                           finished 11 points off of the second place 94th and 96th respectively.
at Grand View College, Polk, Iowa        Clear Lake senior Marne Euken picks up a kill against St. Edmond’s Thursday night. Also pictured for Clear Lake is  team and this fact should an incentive for 	 Fort Dodge and Mason City finished
                                         Jessica Faber. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy                                                                     upcoming meets,” said DiMarco.               one-two in the boys field with 69 and 89
Men’s Cross Country: Sat., Oct. 3,                                                                                                                           	 The Lions were once again led by the       points respectively. Garner-Hayfeld-Ven-
home Dan Huston Invitational             Lions fall in hard-fought victory                                                                                   Faught brothers. Both Eric and Ryan fin-     tura was third and Eagle Grove was fourth
                                                                                                                                                             ished in the top 10. Eric placed eighth in with 95 and 110 points. Clear Lake had
•                                        	 St. Edmond’s left Clear Lake      fidence they needed to take game       course of the match.”                    a time of 18:05 and Ryan placed ninth in 115 points. Humboldt was a distant sixth
Football, Sat., Oct. 3, at Dickinson     with a volleyball win Thursday      two, 25-14.                            	 Statistical leaders included Ki-       18:07. Next for the Lions was Sam Pe-        with 151.
State University, 1 p.m.                 night, but it wasn’t easy. The Li-  	 Games three and four went to         ersten Baalson, going 20/27 from         delty, finishing 22nd in a time of 18:39.    	 Pocahontas Area won the girls title
                                         ons (5-11, 0-2) battled throughout  the Gaels, 25-19, 25-18.               the service line with four aces.         Ike Branstad was 32nd in a time of 19:12.    with 52 points, edging Humboldt by one
•Football: Sat., Oct. 3, home vs.        four games, but dropped a 3-1 de-   	 “It was a rough night for us.        Marne Euken topped the team              Rounding out the scoring was Spencer Orr point. Algona was third with 134. Clear
Southern Illinois, 3 p.m.                cision.                             We had far too many mental mis-        with four kills. Carson Frahm set        in 47th place with a time of 19:30. Also Lake finished ninth with 244.
                                         	 The North Central Conference      takes throughout the match, and        up the Lion offense with seven as-       running for the varsity was Kaleb Froiland,
      MORE CALENDAR                      match opened with a close game      dug our selves into a pretty steep     sists.                                   placing 51st in 19:39, and Sam Jones, who Junior varsity
           on Page 10                    one. The Gaels pulled out a 25-20   hole,” said Coach Keith Sears.         	 On defense, Chloe Mueller              was 57th in 19:48.                           	 Once again the JV boys team finished
                                         win to start the match. The open-   “There were a lot of great steps for-  had 17 digs and Kayla Ritter made        	 The lady Lions had another top half
                                         ing game gave the Lions the con-    ward as individuals throughout the     two blocks.                              finish, led by Gretchen Jones in 12th place See CROSS COUNTRY on page 11
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