Page 5 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
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Opinion/NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter 														                                                                                                                    June 10, 2015 • Page 5

                                     From                                          WALLEYE                                    gression matched the frequency of the
                                     The                                           from page 1                                hits. Walleyes weren’t merely hitting
                                     Market                                                                                   my baits; they were slamming them!
                                                                                   I lost no time in getting to the water.    Although I went through the motions
By Marysue Salmon                                                                  Off to the southwest, the sky was turn-    of setting the hook, the tactic wasn’t     A limit of Clear Lake walleyes.-Photo courtesy of Lowell Washbutn
	 During my growing up years the first                                             ing an ominous shade of black and the      necessary. The heart pounding, shal-
sign of spring at our house was rhubarb                                            faint rumble of distant thunder could      low water strikes were so intense -- so    state the obvious. Although I can’t        the thought suddenly struck me and
crisp. We had five rhubarb plants in our                                           already be heard. The early morning        lightning fast -- that the walleyes were   think of a perfect description, ‘surreal’  I couldn’t help but smile. At long last,
backyard.                                                                          air was becoming moist and heavy;          hooking themselves. I only had two         would probably come as close as any.       my time had come. For the first time
	 For the next 25 years, even after I left                                         you could literally feel the fishiness.    strikes that didn‘t result in landing the  In more than fifty years of fishing on     in my life, I could finally walk up to
home but lived in the same town, I ben-                                            	 Results were immediate and it            fish.                                      Clear Lake; I’ve never had an outing       the crew assembled at the bait tank
efitted from those plants. My mother still                                         only took a minute to determine that       	 The meltdown continued -- un-            that even comes close to comparing to      and say with a grin --- “Man, you guys
pulled the rhubarb, cleaned it, and cut it                                         schooling walleyes weren’t waiting         abated -- for the better part of an        this early morning walleye rampage.        should have been here yesterday”.
into the needed 1-inch pieces. My part was                                         for me, but had already begun their        hour and I quickly lost count of the       	 Although I never miss an oppor-          Enjoy more nature tales online at Wash-
to make the rhubarb crisp which I shared                                           weather induced rampage. After ty-         fish. Size ratios were outstanding with    tunity to dine on fresh walleye, I don’t   burn’s Outdoor Journal at iawildlife.
with her. It was a delicious arrangement!                                          ing on a 1/16th ounce jig head and         nearly half of the walleyes measuring      think fish ever tasted better than when    org/blog
	 This is a very old recipe from my file.                                          attaching a large fathead minnow,          above the legal 14-inch mark. Legal        I dug into those tender golden fillets
I believe it was originally from a long-ago                                        I hooked my first fish on the third        keepers averaged just over 16 inches;      the following evening. As I reflected      Farmers Market
published Lutheran Church cookbook.                                                cast. From that moment on, it was          the largest fish went a hefty 19 ½.        on the incredible hour of extreme          scavenger hunt
(Those Lutheran women were considered                                              Katie Bar the Door. Completely sur-        	 The skies grew darker; the thun-         fishing I’d enjoyed the day before,
the best cooks!) I have never tasted a better rhubarb recipe. It is juicy and      rounded by ravenous marble-eyed            der moved closer. The wind increased                                                  	 Iowa students who recently com-
crisp at the same time. I think what makes it so special is the cooked sugar       predators, I had entered Angling Para-     and it soon began to rain. Within sec-     UPMEYER                                    pleted grades kindergarten through
syrup that sweetens the rhubarb. Maybe it is just the sweet memory of en-          dise. Stacked in less than five feet of    onds, I was soaking wet. Undaunted         from page 4                                eight are invited to participate in the
joying it every spring for most of my life. It seems that people who grow up       water, fish were feeding as if their very  by the front’s dramatic arrival, the                                                  “Farmers Market Scavenger Hunt.”
eating rhubarb love it, and those who didn’t aren’t as excited about it.           lives depended on finding a quick          frenzy continued with undiminished         workforce training, and a competitive      	 To participate, students need to
	 If you grow your own rhubarb, (or if you are lucky enough for your               meal. The bite was unbelievable; like      ferocity. And then suddenly it was         tax climate.                               complete the “Farmers Market Scav-
neighbor to give you some), pull rather than cut the stalks. They will remain      nothing I’ve ever witnessed. Com-          over. Wet, chilled, and happy, I head-     	 Thankfully, this year we have tak-       enger Hunt” form available at any
fresh longer. Store rhubarb, for up to 7 days, loosely wrapped, in the refrig-     plete reckless mayhem. Three or four       ed for home -- taking three fat wall-      en steps to begin changing course.  The    participating farmers market or can
erator. You can also freeze 4 cups of the 1-inch pieces in tightly sealed plastic  short casts was usually the longest de-    eyes and some bonus yellow perch for       Medicaid asset verification system will    be printed from the Iowa Department
bags.                                                                              lay between hits. On more than one         the skillet.                               help ensure benefits are going to those    of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s
                                                                                   occasion, I’d unhook one fish only         	 To say that my hometown fishing          intended.  The new managed care sys-       website at
RHUBARB CRISP                                                                      to catch another as quickly as the jig     adventure had been ‘phenomenal’ or         tem will help deliver services more ef-    	 When they submit the form to
                                                                                   reentered the water. The level of ag-      ‘terrific’ would be to grossly under-      ficiently.  However, more reforms are      the market manager at the farmers
Crumb Topping:                       2 tablespoons cornstarch                                                                                                            needed.   We can do a better job of        market students will receive a free
1 cup dark brown sugar               1 cup water                                     SUMMER LUNCH                                 CONGREGATE                             reviewing eligibility of applicants to     item, such as a fruit, vegetable or hon-
½ cup melted butter                  1 teaspoon pure vanilla                              PROGRAM                                      MEALS                             reduce fraud; we should review and         ey, and will be entered into a drawing
¾ cup quick or old fashioned oats    	 Bring to boiling point,                                                                                                           revise our waivers to focus our efforts;   for additional prizes. 	
1 teaspoon cinnamon                  turn heat down to medium low,                 	 THURSDAY: BBQ chicken sand-              	 THURSDAY: Crunchy Pollock,               and most importantly, we must push         	 Area farmers markets participat-
	 Mix well and press half of the     and cook until thick and clear,               wich with a bun, seasoned oven pota-       sweet potato wedges, succotash, pine-      for meaningful reforms and flexibility     ing in the program are: Clear Lake,
crumbs into a 9-inch square oven-    about 5 minutes. Pour over                    toes, green beans, fruit, fresh veggies    apple crunch, raspberry lemonade.          from our federal government.               Charles City Downtown, Iowa Falls
proof pan. Top with 4 cups cut rhu-  rhubarb and top evenly with                   with dip.                                  	 FRIDAY: Golden baked chicken,            	 Throughout the interim we will           and Riceville.confidential.
barb (1-inch pieces)                 other half of the crumbs.™                    	 FRIDAY: Max Stix, marinara               scalloped potatoes, Harvard Beets,         continue to work on solutions that are
Mix in medium saucepan:              	 Bake at 350 degrees for                     sauce, broccoli, diced peaches, fresh      Sunshine Salad, whole wheat roll.          good for Iowans.  
1 cup sugar                          one hour, or until top is crisp               veggies with dip.                          	 MONDAY: Cook’s Choice.
                                     and brown.                                    	 MONDAY: Turkey burger on a               	 TUESDAY: Chicken and noodle
                                                                                   bun, potato wedges, peas, fruit, fresh     casserole, brussel sprounts, carrots,
                                                                                   veggies with dip.                          onions, apricots, pumpkin custard, or-
                                                                                   	 TUESDAY: Nachos, corn, taco              ange juice.
                                                                                   fixings, fruit, fresh veggies with dip.    	 WEDNESDAY: Taco salad, corn
                                                                                   	 WEDNESDAY: Breaded chick-                salad, plums, Royal Brownie, tomato
                                                                                   en patty on a bun, mashed potatoes,        juice.
                                                                                   green beans, fresh veggies with dip.       	 Congregate meals are served at
                                                                                   	 Summer Lunch Program is open             the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105
                                                                                   to area children and is held at Clear      S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura,
                                                                                   Lake United Methodist Church, 508          4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-
                                                                                   2nd Ave. N., from 12:15-12:45 p.m.,        5443 in Clear Lake and 829-3517 in
                                                                                   Monday-Friday.                             Ventura for reservations.

Main Avenue, Clear Lake 357-5241                                                   Now on Display


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