Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                                        Feb. 24, 2016 • Page 3


 Donna L. Legler                           ity of their childhood. They moved to       James A. Ransom                           Memorial Golf Course, City Council,        Craig M. Clark                                       had two children, Stephanie and
                                           New Ulm, Minn. in 1974, to Savage,                                                    and Chamber of Commerce. In 1995                                                                James.
	 Donna Lou Legler, 79, of Al-             Minn. in 1977, and later moved back         	 James Allison Ransom, 93, of            he was named Clear Lake’s Citizen of     	 Craig Morris Clark, 68, of Clear                     	 After they were married, they
toona, Iowa, formerly Clear Lake,          home to Clear Lake.                         Clear Lake, died Monday, Feb. 15,         the Year.                                Lake, died Monday, Feb. 8, 2016, at                    moved to Rock Spring, Wy. where he
died Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016, at the         	 She found her passion for jewelry         2016, at Rockwell Community Nurs-         	 Jim will be missed dearly by           the Good Shepherd Health Center,                       was a heavy equipment operator. He
Altoona Nursing Home. Her going            while working at Powers Fine Jewelry,       ing Home, in Rockwell, Iowa.              his survivors: two children, Michael     Mason City, Iowa.                                      worked in various western states as
home on Valentine’s Day is a reflec-       Burnsville, Minn. and then Patterson’s      	 A memorial service will be held         James (Jeanine) Ransom, of Rochester,    	 A gathering of friends and fam-                      a heavy equipment operator. It has
tion of her big heart, her love of pink,   Jewelry in Clear Lake.                      at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 27,       Minn. and Sue “Allyson” (Tom Hen-        ily will be held from 1-3 p.m. Sun-                    been said that he should have been
chocolate and jewelry.                     	 Donna’s greatest joy was her love         2016, at Clear Lake United Methodist      dricks) Ransom, of Clear Lake; grand-    day, Feb. 28, 2016, at the Clear Lake                  born in the late 1800’s, because that is
	 A Celebration of Life Service was        of Christ which she found in her            Church with the Rev. Dr. Jacqueline       son, Benjamin (Lindsey) Ransom, of       V.F.W. with a time of sharing memo-                    the era he loved. He enjoyed hunting
held on Friday, Feb. 19, 2016, at the      church and spending time with her           Thompson officiating and military         Saint Paul, Minn.; great-granddaugh-     ries at 3 p.m. followed by military                    many areas out west.
Clear Lake Christian Church, Clear         family, both of which brought much          honors provided by the Clear Lake         ter, Greta Ransom; brother, Ross H.      honors provided by the Clear Lake                      	 He moved back to Clear Lake af-
Lake, with the Rev. Drew Rietjens of-      happiness to her life. She enjoyed          V.F.W. Post 4868.                         (Marvel) Ransom, of Mason City;          V.F.W. Family suggests memorials to                    ter his father passed away, to be by his
ficiating. Burial was in Memorial Park     spending time around the lake, listen-      	 A light lunch and time for visit-       sister, Jean Johnson, of Mason City;     the Clear Lake V.F.W. Honor Guard.                     mom and to help her.
Cemetery, Mason City, Iowa. Fam-           ing to music, Bible studies, baking,        ing with the family will follow the ser-  Barbara’s sister, Bonnie Forzano; and    	 Craig was born June 15, 1947, in                     	 Craig was a lifetime member of
ily suggests memorials to Clear Lake       collecting miniatures of all kinds and      vice in the church fellowship hall.       several cousins, nieces, and nephews.    Mason City, Iowa, the son of Morris                    the Clear Lake V.F.W. and was a mem-
Christian Church or Altoona Nursing        playing board games with her family         	 Jim was born Feb. 6, 1923, the          	 He was preceded in death by his        and Barbara (Holmes) Clark. He at-                     ber of Local 234 International Union
Home in Memory of Donna.                   and friends.                                son of James H. and Mildred C.            parents; wife, Barbara; grandson, Ty-    tended school in Ventura, Iowa. He                     of Operating Engineers for 49 years.
	 Donna was born June 6, 1936, in          	 Donna is survived by her three            (Aitcheson) Ransom, and grew up           ler Michael Ransom; brother-in-law,      served in the United State Army dur-                   	 Craig is survived by his daughter,
Clear Lake, the daughter of Lester and     children, Vona (Patrick) Kean, Des          on the family farm south of Clear         Harlan Johnson; Barbara’s brother-in-    ing the Vietnam War, while stationed                   Stephanie (Desi) Grell Carrera, Love-
Leila (Oleson) Moretz. She gradu-          Moines, Iowa, Robert (Becka) Legler,        Lake. A graduate of Clear Lake High       law, Richard Forzano; and two spe-       at Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs,                       land, Colo. and a son, James (Joyce)
ated from Clear Lake High School in        Lakeville, Minn. and Revena Legler,         School, class of 1940, he enlisted in     cial friends, Joan Benson and Lorene     Colo. he received his G.E.D.                           Grell, Kamuela, Hawaii; grandson,
1954.                                      St. Paul, Minn.; eight grandchildren,       the United States Army and served         Haddy.                                   	 He married Marj Newman in                            Donavon Carrera; former wife, Marj
	 She married Robert Herman                Nathan Legler (and his fiancé, Ni-          in active duty overseas during World      	 Jim’s family appreciates the lov-      January 1965 and to this union they                    Grell, Loveland, Colo.; his sister, Kar-
Legler on May 15, 1955, in Clear           cole) Betsy (Aaron) Rohr, Nicholas          War II.                                   ing care he received the past 18                                                                en Rae (Dennis) Badker, Clear Lake;
Lake. They lived in Clear Lake where       (Rachel) Legler, Katie (Jonathan)           	 Upon return from service, he met        months from the Rockwell Commu-                                                                 a brother, Bruce Duane Clark, Lin-
they raised their children the major-      Kinrade, Andrew Legler (and his             the love of his life, Barbara Berton,     nity Nursing Home staff and the past                                                            coln, Neb.; nieces and nephews, Scott
                                           fiancée, Nichole), Thomas Miller,           whom he married on Aug. 27, 1947.         several weeks by Hospice of North                                                               (Tina) Badker, Curt Badker, Shane
                                           Trae Legler, and Corbin Legler; 10          He began farming, but in the fall of      Iowa. They also appreciate the calls,                                                           Clark and Sarah Clark; and a great-
                                           great-grandchildren, Ellie, Alex and        1950, he was called into the Korean       visits, cards, thoughts, and prayers he                                                         niece and nephews; and his significant
                                           Landen Rohr, Nikko, Layla and Bella         War for further overseas duty. He re-     received following his move to Rock-                                                            other, Annette Harms, Clear Lake.
                                           Legler, Andrew Jr., Nevaeh, Ava and         turned home in August 1951 to be-         well.                                                                                           	 He was preceded in death by his
                                           Eva Legler; one sister, Loreen (Dave)       gin life anew. He worked several years    	 In lieu of flowers, family wel-                                                               parents, Morris and Barb Clark.
                                           Gagnon, Minnesota; and her special          for Northern Natural Gas, owned           comes memorial contributions to the                                                             	 James said he was stubborn and
                                           friend, Ray Mejiah.                         and managed appliance stores, and         Clear Lake Veterans Memorial, Clear                                                             liked to live life his way.
                                           	 She was preceded in death by              worked later in life as a painter and     Lake United Methodist Church,                                                                   	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
                                           her parents, Lester and Leila; infant       floor coverer.                            Opportunity Village, or Hospice of                                                              pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
                                           daughter, Carol; three brothers, May-       	 Jim knew that life’s joys came          North Iowa.                                                                                     rangements.
                                           nard, Delmer and Hubert Moretz;             from hard work, loving relationships      	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
                                           and one sister, Revena Collins.             with family and friends, and looking      pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
                                           	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-              beyond one’s own needs to serve oth-      rangements.
                                           pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-       ers rather than from material posses-
                                           rangements.                                 sions. Accordingly, he gave constantly     Caroline R. Rae
                                                                                       of himself and treasured simple things
SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS                                                                     like a beautiful sunrise over Clear       	 Caroline R. Rae, 88, of Clear                                                                 Mason City
                                                                                       Lake, an ice cream cone, a cribbage       Lake, died Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016, at
                                                                                       game, mixing batter at a Method-          Muse-Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit           John Deere  Ski Doo  Sea Doo
                                                                                       ist Church pancake breakfast, husk-       in Mason City, Iowa.                      Can-Am ATV  Ariens  Grasshopper
                                                                                       ing sweet corn for the Evening Lions      	 Per Caroline’s wishes, her body
              Clear Lake                   wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Toasted    burger feed, sipping a Pepsi with         has been cremated and a memorial         All of your brand name                                 For Work or Fun
	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Mini               cheese sandwich, tomato soup, fresh         friends during afternoons at the VFW,     service will be at a later date.         products under one roof
pancakes, sausage link or cereal, cin-     apple slices, fruit cup, carrot and celery  and any and all gatherings of family –    	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
namon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch:          sticks with hummus.                         especially on the Fourth of July with     pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-    Highway 122 W (Across from Target)
Teriyaki chicken dipper, roll, buttery     	 MONDAY: Breakfast: Western                flags, floats, and fireworks.             rangements.
noodles, peas and carrots, Raisels.        omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice.      	 Jim was a people person, a lead-                                                       (641) 424-2861
Alt.: Sub-stacker, romaine salad.          Lunch: Chicken nuggets, pears, fruit        er, and a faithful, humble man. He
	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast            cup, mashed potatoes and gravy,             loved to laugh. He was somewhat a                                                                          1907 Hwy 18 E
sandwich or cereal, cinnamon toast         green peas, whole grain dinner roll.        perfectionist, holding himself to high                                             ® Clear Lake, IA
or yogurt cup. Lunch: Cheese pizza,        	 TUESDAY:   Breakfast:   Waffle            standards in all that he did. He had a
romaine salad, orange wedges, double       sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.      knack for seeing the big picture and                                                                        641-357-5271
chip cookie. Alt.: Sub-stacker, cherry     Lunch: Chili, fresh orange wedges,          knowing the right things to say and                                                                        1-888-357-5271
tomatoes and baby carrots.                 fruit cup, tossed side salad, cornbread,    do when things needed to be said and
	 MONDAY -   Breakfast: Waffles,           whole grain saltines.                       done. He served in leadership and                                                                                Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
sausage link or cereal, cinnamon toast     	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg                 member roles on many Clear Lake                                                                                    Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm • Sunday: Closed
or yogurt cup. Lunch: Ham patty with       biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Pizza,  organizations including the Evening
bun, calico wedges, diced pears. Alt.:     strawberries and bananas, fruit cup,        Lions (Charter President in 1975),                                 Health Talk with Robin
Sub-stacker, veggies with dip.             California blend veggies, corn.             V.F.W., United Methodist Church,
	 TUESDAY - Breakfast: Scrambled                                                                                                                                Chief Pharmacist, Robin Younge covers
eggs and toast or cereal, cinnamon             CONGREGATE                                                                                                       important health care topics with quality
toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Crispito and            MEALS                                                                                                       information on medication use and
cheese sauce, taco fixings, Mexican                                                                                                                             healthier ways of life.
rice, corn, banana. Alt.: Sub-stacker,     	 THURSDAY - Beef stew, cooked
romaine salad.                             cabbage, crunchy cranberry salad,                                                     Blood Pressure MSeepdteimcabetiroisns
	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Break-             whole wheat roll..
fast bites or cereal, cinnamon toast or    	 FRIDAY - Egg and potato casse-                                                      High blood pressure can be managed through
yogurt cup. Lunch: Cheesy chicken          role, asparagus, apple slices, fruit oat                                              lifestyle changes or medications. If you’ve been
tortilla, Romaine salad, apple slices,     muffin, tomato juice.                                                                 diagnosed with high blood pressure it is
brownie. Alt.: Sub-stacker, fresh veg-     	 MONDAY - Baked chicken,                                                             important to follow your doctor’s treatment plan.
gies with dip.                             mashed potatoes with gravy, cranber-                                                  If you have been prescribed medication, it’s very
                                           ry brussel sprouts, cinnamon apple-                                                   important to take your medication every day as directed by
     Garner-Hayfield-Ventura               sauce.                                                                                your doctor. Your riy White Pharmacist help answer your blood
	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-             	 Congregate meals are served at                                                      pressure medication questions or concerns to help you stay on track
fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:     the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105                                                 with your medication regimen.
Oven roast chicken, fruit cocktail, fruit  S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura,
cup, dressing and gravy, peas and car-     4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-
rots, corn, whole grain dinner roll.       5443 in Clear Lake and 829-3517 in
	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast            Ventura for reservations.

Clear Lake Dance Team

              The dance team attended DX Americup Nationals Feb 19th-21st in Minneapolis.                                        Stop in to riy White Pharmacy for a free blood pressure
    The team competed in the Small Varsity category in Jazz, Hip-Hop and Pom, placing 2nd in all 3                               test and for information on how we can help you keep your
categories. The team also received a Judges’ Choice award for Pom, and an Academic Excellence Award.                             medications organized.

                                                              The team would like to recognize their sponsors                    &SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE!
                                                                                                                                                         Auto Prescription Refill Program
                                                                         National Sponsors
                                                                                                                                                                                       Synchronized Prescription Refill Service
                                                                   Brakke Implement                                                         Once your maintenance medications are enrolled in Ready refill™*
                                                                   Central Lock                                                                          there is no need to worry about running out.
                                                                   Frontier Labs                                                                        We will even call you when your order is ready!
                                                                   Lake Iowa Realty
                                                                   Ted & Carole Jeffcoat                                         With Rx Med Sync all your prescriptions are filled on the same day! Saving you time!

                                                              Gold                                                                                                                                                                  Convenient new
                                                              Billion Auto                                                                                                                                                       ways to have all your
                                                              Margaret Tue                                                                                                                                                        prescriptions filled
                                                              North Central Mechanical Services                                                                                                                                  on the same day and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ready when you are.
Corporate Sponsors - Gold: First Gabrielson Agency;           Gabrielson Clinic                                                  It’s easy and convenient!
Clear Lake Bank and Trust; Silver: Dean Snyder Construction;  Lyla’s Boutique
Burtness-Lundgren Plumbing & Heating; Hogan & Hansen          MN-IA Electric Motors & Equipment
                                                              North Iowa Collision
                                                              Salon Intrigue

                                                              Perfect Pear
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