Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                      Dec. 16, 2015 • Page 3


Wayne W. Wenzel                                Jay K. Lindsay                           Dorothy M. Clark Cecil E. Bottjen                                              Johnny J. Opat                          Chevrolet in Rochester. On Sept. 18,
                                                                                        	 Dorothy Marie Stenseth Clark, 	 Cecil E. Bottjen, 87, of Clear                                                       1998, he created his cherished family
	 Wayne Warren Wenzel, 80, for-              	 Jay Kevin Lindsay was born               age 78, died peacefully on Oct. 2, Lake, died Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015,       	 Johnny “John” J. Opat, age 53,          when he married Peggi Rose Morken.
merly of Clear Lake, died Wednesday,         in Mason City, Iowa on March 21,           2015, at the University of Minnesota at Muse-Norris Hospice Inpatient        of Rochester, Minn., died of cardiac      	 John enjoyed traveling to Las
Dec. 9, 2015, at Stratford Specialty         1956, to Gerald and Kathryn (Buff-         Medical Center.                 Unit, in Mason City.                         amyloidosis on Wednesday, Dec. 2,         Vegas, out west to Yellowstone and
Care in Stratford, Iowa.                     ington) Lindsay, and he passed away        A memorial service will be held 	 Per Cecil’s wishes, his body has           2015, at Mayo Clinic Hospital - St.       especially vacationing with his grand-
	 A funeral service was held on              Dec. 10, 2015, at Hospice of North         on Saturday, Dec. 19, at 10 a.m., at been cremated and a memorial service    Mary’s Campus, Rochester.                 children in Alexandria to fish. He en-
Monday, Dec. 14, 2015, at Ward-Van           Iowa after a long struggle with liver      Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, was held on Monday, Dec. 14, 2015,           	 A mass of Christian Burial was          joyed NASCAR and traveled to Day-
Slyke Colonial Chapel, in Clear Lake,        disease. He was 59 years old.              101 N. 4th St., Clear Lake. Visitation at Redeemer Lutheran Church, in       held on Dec. 7, 2015, at St. Pius X       tona Beach for Daytona 500 many
with Chaplain Jerry Newswander offici-       	 Services were held on Tuesday,           will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, Sioux City, Iowa, with Pastor Russell  Catholic Church, Rochester. Memo-         times. John also raced stock cars in his
ating.                                       Dec. 15, 2015, at the Clear Lake           Dec, 18. In lieu of flowers, memorials Senstad officiating.                  rials are preferred to the family and     lucky #29. He loved being by the wa-
	 Wayne was born on Oct. 6, 1935,            United Methodist Church with the           may be sent in her name to Hospice 	 In lieu of flowers, family suggests     will be put towards amyloidosis re-       ter, both the lake and the ocean. He
the son of Christal Dan and Kate Alice       Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson offici-       of North Iowa, Opportunity Village, memorial contributions to Hospice        search.                                   was lovable, compassionate and giving
(Peddle) Wenzel, in Rowan, Iowa. He          ating. Burial was in Memorial Park         or the charity of your choice.  of North Iowa or Redeemer Lutheran           	 John was born on March 9, 1962,         to his family, friends and customers.
was united in marriage to Marjorie Joan      Cemetery, Mason City. Memorials            Dorothy was born Oct. 3, 1936, Church, in Sioux City.                        in Mason City, Iowa, to Wesley and        	 John was a member of St. Pius X
Olinger on Nov. 23, 1958, in Rowan.          for Jay can be directed to the Clear       in Forest City, Iowa, the daughter 	 Cecil was born on June 24, 1928,        Dolores (Ludwig) Opat. He gradu-          Catholic Church.
To this union they were blessed with         Lake United Methodist Church,              of Alan and Marie (Core) Stenseth. the son of George and Minnie (Bu-         ated from Crestwood High School in        	 John is survived by his wife, Peg-
four children.                               Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank or the           Dorothy thoroughly enjoyed her fam- row) Bottjen in Moville, Iowa. He        Cresco, Iowa and from North Iowa          gi, of Rochester; sons, Luke (Daphne)
	 A graduate of Rowan High School,           Humane Society of North Iowa.              ily, friends, playing bridge and social married Inez Schwarz on June 18,     Area Community College. He was            Dickens, Des Moines, Iowa, John
Wayne went to work as a carpenter for        	 He grew up in Clear Lake and             activities at Clear Lake.       1950, in Climbing Hill, Iowa.                a salesman for a short time at Sears      Morken, Rochester; daughter, Katie
Dick Whittman, in Rowan. He and              graduated from Clear Lake High             In 1963, Dorothy married Frank E. 	 Valedictorian of the Class of            before starting his lifetime career as a  Morken, Rochester; four beautiful
Marjorie moved to Belmond in 1958            School in 1975.                            Clark in Aberdeen, S.D. They made 1945 at Moville High School, Cecil         car salesman. John began his career in    grandsons, who were his “best little
where he continued carpentry work for        	 Jay, like his father, Jerry, and         their home on a farm outside Ventura, attended Morningside College. He       Winona, Minn. at several dealerships      pals,” Micah, Carson, Alec and De-
Dorr Brothers. During the 1960s he           brother, Tom, worked as a steamfitter      Iowa, eventually making Clear Lake farmed for eight years before moving      and spent the last 25 years at Clements   clan; mother, Dolores Opat-Ludwig,
was a farmhand for Tomco Seeds and           for Local 33 until his declining health    their permanent residence.      to Sioux City, and thereafter worked                                                   Clear Lake; brothers Les Opat, Lime
moved to a farm southwest of Belmond.        forced him to leave the trade. He also     	 Dorothy enjoyed spending time in banking, retiring as Senior Vice              CONGREGATE                            Springs, Iowa, Matthew (Therese)
In 1974 he began working for Farmer’s        worked as a roadie for many local          with her children and grandchildren, President at First Federal Savings and           MEALS                            Opat, Chatfield, Minn.; sister, Liz
Grain. In 1990 he started working for        bands and he loved that life. Clear        playing bridge, and traveling with her Loan, in Sioux City.                                                            (Clark) Wiger, Chatfield; nieces and
the Klemme Elevator; retiring after 14       Lake people will also remember Jay         husband, Frank, and enjoying Clear 	 While living in Sioux City, Cecil       	 THURSDAY - Pork sandwich on             nephews, who thought he was the
years. In 2008 he and Marjorie moved         on the barge installing and removing       Lake activities. Dorothy served as a was an active member of Redeemer        whole wheat bun, baked beans, or-         best; mother-in-law, Jean Rose, Wi-
to Clear Lake.                               boat lifts.                                volunteer and was past president at Lutheran Church, Kiwanis, Red            anges and pineapple.                      nona, Minn.; brothers-in-law, Mike
	 Wayne was a longtime member of             	 Well known in northern Iowa as           the North Iowa Medical Center Aux- Cross, Better Business Bureau, and        	 FRIDAY - Baked chicken, baked           Rose, Chippewa Falls, Wis., Stephen
Lions and was awarded the Iowa Lions         a wizard with home repair and main-        iliary. Dorothy also earned her Life director at St. Luke’s Hospital. He     potato, peas, cinnamon raisin apple-      (Jennifer) Rose, Rochester, and Dan
Warren Coleman Honorary Award for            tenance, Jay provided these services       Master Certificate from the American was also a member of Zion Lutheran      sauce, tomato juice.                      (Julie) Rose, Muscatine, Iowa; sisters-
dedicated service. He also served as an      in a number of rental properties in        Contract Bridge League and spent Church, in Clear Lake, for a short          	 MONDAY - Tater tot casserole,           in-law, Kathy (Ray) Giebel, Roches-
elder at Immanuel Reform Church, in          the area. His faithful cocker span-        many enjoyable hours playing dupli- time.                                    California blend, fruit salad, whole      ter, and Pat Rose, Winona; and other
Belmond, Iowa.                               iel, Lindsay, often accompanied Jay.       cate bridge with friends locally and in 	 Cecil enjoyed going on fishing     wheat roll.                               extended family members.
	 Wayne is survived by his wife, Mar-        She was a fitting companion for Jay        out-of-state tournaments. Dorothy trips to Canada, gardening, and trav-      	 TUESDAY - Crunchy pollock,              	 John was preceded in death by
jorie, of Stratford; four children, Stepha-  whose sense of humor and easy-going        enjoyed wintering in Arizona with eling with Inez to Florida for 25 years.   corn, spinach au gratin, carrot cake,     his father, Wesley Opat; brother, Joel
nie (Clint) Kalvig, of Huxley, Iowa, Ste-    personality made friends wherever he       Frank and hosting countless family He also liked playing card games,         mandarin oranges.                         Opat; nephew, Christopher Opat; and
ven Wenzel, of Stratford, Susan (John)       went.                                                                                                                   	 WEDNESDAY - Salisbury ground            father-in-law, Everett Rose.
Carlson, of Stanchfield, Minn., and          	 Jay is survived by his mother,                                                                                        steak, mashed potatoes, mixed veg-
Shelly (Eric) Berg, of Duluth, Minn.;        Kathryn, of Clear Lake; three broth-                                                                                    etables, peaches, orange juice.           vv THEATRE
10 grandchildren, Carina (Chris) Phil-       ers, Tom (Fran) Lindsay, Lansing,                                                                                       	
lips, of Honolulu, Hi., Clinton (De-         Iowa, Gary (Linda), Cedar Rapids,                                                                                                                                         Spectre
sirè) Kalvig, of Des Moines, Sara (Sean      Iowa, John, Mason City; two sisters,
Perkovich) Kalvig, of Ames, Iowa, Jes-       Sue Lindsay (Gary Brown), Mesa,                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”
sica (Brett Opheim) North, of Mason          Az., and Sally Clay (Ron), Charles
City, Samantha (Tom) Solomonson, of          City, Iowa. In addition to the imme-                                                                                                                              Alvin & the Chipmunks:
Joice, Iowa, Kyle Wenzel, of Stratford,      diate family and many nieces, neph-                                                                                                                                    The Road Chip “PG”
Daniel Carlson, of Stanchfield, Michael      ews and extended family mourning
Carlson, of Stanchfield, Grace Berg,         his loss, are his close friends, espe-                                                                                                                                 Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.
of Duluth, and Nicholas Berg, of Du-         cially Julie Sankey.
luth; two great grandchildren, Shane         	 He was preceded in death by his                                                                                                                                    Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
and Chloè Kalvig; and a brother, Roger       father, Gerald “Jerry” Lindsay; and
(Karen) Wenzel, of Rowan.                    his grandparents, Vesta Lindsay and                                                                                                                                   Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
	 He was preceded in death by his            Chet and Nettie Buffington.
parents; and a great grandson, Cam-          	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-                                                                                                                                     Starring: Jason Lee, Tony Hale, Kimberly Williams-
eron.                                        pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-                                                                                                                              Paisley, Josh Green, Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler,
	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel-            rangements.                                                                                                                                                        Jesse McCartney, Kaley Cuoco (1 hr. 28 min.)
was in charge of arrangements.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4

                                                                                        and friend gatherings at Clear Lake. such as Rook and Euchre, and quot-
                                                                                        Dorothy was passionate about orga- ing German phrases.
                                                                                        nizing, planning and hosting family 	 Cecil is survived by his wife,
                                                                                        and friends’ gatherings.        Inez Bottjen, of Clear Lake; three
                                                                                        Dorothy is survived by her hus- sons, Dennis (Sandra) Bottjen, of
                                                                                        band, Frank; her five children, Tanya Forest Lake, Minn., Larry Bottjen
                                                                                        (Brian) Clark Anderson, of Ames, (Julie Wolter), of Palmer, Ark., and
                                                                                        Iowa; Jeff Clark, of Ankeny, Iowa; Burt (Kathy) Bottjen, of Clear Lake;
                                                                                        Carol Clark, of San Diego, Calif.; 10 grandchildren; and a great-grand-
                                                                                        Linda (Tony) Clark Alongi, of Louis- daughter.
                                                                                        ville, Ky., Amy (Todd) Clark Ellgren, 	 He was preceded in death by his
                                                                                        of Ankeny, Iowa; 12 grandchildren; parents; two sisters, Clara Rumohr
                                                                                        and 10 great-grandchildren.     and Edna Rumohr; and six brothers,
                                                                                        	 Dorothy was preceded in death Harry, Albert, Carl, Elzie, George,
                                                                                        by her parents and one son.     and John.
                                                                                        	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- 	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
                                                                                        pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
                                                                                        rangements.                     rangements.

                                                                                        Optimum Health Chiropractic
                                                                                        Bringing you and your
DESIGN                                       study halls or lunch crowds during         family better health and
from page 1                                  nice weather, they suggested.
                                             	 In preparation for Friday’s pre-          a better way of life.
	 The design team included solar             sentation, the design team used a 3-D        641-357-1211
power in their design, hoping to re-         printer to create elements of their                   506 Main Avenue, Clear Lake             Dr. Nick McColley
duce energy costs to heat and cool the       greenhouse and classroom. Satellite        Visit our new website at     Palmer Graduate
building. Additional high-tech elec-         photos of the area were also used in
trical systems would control green-          their presentation.                                             Townhouses by
house climate and watering, they pro-        	 Lester said he was pleased with                            Meints Construction
posed.                                       the thought and preparation his stu-
	 The students also considered               dents put into the design competition.                      For Sale - Starting Spring 2016
landscaping in their design and inte-        	 “This exercise was a good one in                              Lexington Drive location
grated natural elements which would          that the students could relate a proj-
double as outdoor seating. The out-          ect to their school, practice a variety                                (Behind Apple Valley Assisted Living)
door area could also accommodate             of skills, and then present it publicly,”
                                             said Lester.

We Are Moving!

Our new office will be located at

      507 Main Avenue                                                                   SOLD
            Clear Lake

The office will be closed January 5th for the move,
          and reopening January 6th, 2016.

Certified Public Accountants and Consultants                                                                         For information call
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