Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-21-2015
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Local NewsPage 2 • Oct. 21, 2015									                                                                                                                                                       Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

                                                                                    SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS                                                                                          OBITUARIES

                                                                                               Clear Lake                       Garner-Hayfield-Ventura                                                                     Iowa. A gathering of friends and fam-
                                                                                    	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Waf-                                                                                                            ily will be held Saturday, 5 p.m. at the
                                                                                    fles, sausage, or cereal, cinnamon toast   	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-                                                               Other Place Restaurant, Clear Lake.
                                                                                    or yogurt cup. Lunch: BBQ rib patty        fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:
                                                                                    on a bun, fries, baked beans, raisels.     Taco salad with dressing, manda-                                                                  Dick was born Oct. 24, 1926 in
                                                                                    Alt.: Sub-stacker, romaine salad.          rin oranges, tortilla chips with salsa,                                                      Clear Lake, the son of Harold and
                                                                                    	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast            cookie.                                                                                      Kathryn Ann (Hunter) Grattidge.
                                                                                    sandwich or cereal, cinnamon toast or      	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast                                                              He graduated from Clear Lake High
                                                                                    yogurt cup. Lunch: Popcorn shrimp,         wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Teri-                                                       School. Dick enlisted in the U.S.
                                                                                    brown rice pilaf, peas, orange wedges,     yaki chicken with brown rice, apple                                                          Navy in 1942 at Mason City. He
                                                                                    oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. Alt.:       slices, veggies with hummus, side                                                            served in the Pacific Theater, with an
                                                                                    Sub-stacker, cherry tomatoes and baby      salad, dinner roll.                                                                          honorable discharge in 1946 at San
                                                                                    carrots.                                   	 MONDAY: Breakfast: Western                                                                 Diego, Calif. He married Helen Bak-
                                                                                    	 MONDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast            omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice.                                                       er in Clear Lake, and to this union six
             KAITLYN CHIZEK - photo by the University of Iowa                       pizza or cereal, cinnamon toast or yo-     Lunch: Chicken alfredo, pears/Jello,                                                         children were born.
                                                                                    gurt cup. Chicken drumstick, dinner        broccoli, side salad, dinner roll.
                                                                                    roll, mashed potatoes, peas and car-       	 TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffle                                                                    Dick worked for the Williams Pipe-
Chizek selected as member                                                           rots, fresh fruit cup. Alt.: Sub-stacker,  sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.                Dick Grattidge                         line for 36 years. He married Etta F.
of U of I Homecoming court                                                          veggies with dip.                          Lunch: Fish tacos, cole slaw, salsa, ci-                                                     Morris in Las Vegas, Nev. in 1987.
                                                                                    	 TUESDAY - Breakfast: Scram-              lantro lime rice, peaches, side salad.              	 Dick Darwin Grattidge, 88,             They retired to Park Rapids, Minn.
                                                                                    bled eggs, toast or cereal, cinnamon       	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg                         Walker, Minn, died August 14, 2015       and southern Texas. Dick enjoyed
	 Kaitlyn Chizek, daughter of Ken         	 When asked “What’s something            toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Walk-          biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:                 in Park Rapids, Minn.                    gardening, hunting, fishing and any-
and Cyndi Chizek of Clear Lake, was       most people don’t know about you?”        ing tacos, Mexican rice, corn, dipped      Chicken nuggets with sauce, grapes,                                                          thing “outdoors.” He was a member
selected as a member of the University    Chizek said she loves to cook and Ju-     strawberries. Alt.: Sub-stacker, ro-       peas, side salad, dinner roll.                           A celebration of life will be held  of the V.F.W. where he served as a past
of Iowa’s 2015 Homecoming Court.          lia Child is probably her favorite ce-    maine salad.                                                                                   Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015 1 - 4 p.m. at      commander, Pheasants Forever, the
	 In an interview with Student            lebrity. “I’ve read all the way through   	 WEDNESDAY:           Breakfast:          Grabinski to                                        the Clear Lake V.F.W. A time of shar-    American Legion and the First Con-
Life on the U of I campus, the senior     both volumes of Mastering the Art of      Breakfast Bites or cereal, cinnamon        be honored                                          ing will be held at 2 p.m. with Mili-    gregational Church.
communications major said she will        French Cooking and am cooking my          toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Pepper-        as Rotary’s                                         tary Honors provided by the Clear
remember the people she has met at        way through lots of the  recipes  right   oni pizza, romaine salad, apples with      ‘Citizen of                                         Lake V.F.W. Inurnment will be held            Dick is survived by his wife Etta
Iowa most after graduation.               now.”                                     caramel. Alt.: Sub-stacker, veggies        the Year’                                           Oct. 26, 10:30 a.m. at Memorial Park     Grattidge, Walker, Minn.; children
	 “It sounds silly and cliche, but        	 This was Chizek’s second time           with dip.                                                                                      Cemetery, Hwy 122 W., Mason City,        Vickie Willis, Comanche, Iowa,
the faculty I’ve been able to learn       as a member of a Homecoming                                                          	 The Clear Lake Rotary Club has                                                             Cathy Johnson, Comanche, Mark
from, students I’ve been able to learn    court. She was crowned Homecom-           Charges filed                              selected Marcia L. Grabinski as the                     CONGREGATE                           (Christie) Grattidge, Clear Lake,
with, and staff who have supported        ing Queen her senior year at Ventura      in restaurant                              recipient of its “William L. Nicholas                        MEALS                           Barry Grattidge, Knoxville, Tenn.,
me along the way have helped me be-       High School.                              burglary                                   Citizen of the Year” award for 2015.                                                         and Lisa (Dale) Goodman, Co-
come stronger, kinder, and more open                                                                                           	 Grabinski will be recognized at a                 	 THURSDAY - Chili or beef bar-          manche; step-sons Robert Stanger,
to the differences that make our com-     CL police                                 	 A pair of Mason City men have            7 p.m. dinner in her honor on Nov. 5,               ley, corn bread, tangy coleslaw, straw-  Milo, Iowa and Wilson Phillips, Des
munity special.” If she could go back     awarded public                            been arrested and charged with bur-        at the Clear Lake Arts Center. Tickets              berries, orange juice.                   Moines, Iowa; several grandchildren,
to her senior year and do something       safety grant                              glary at a Clear Lake business.            for the event are available at the Clear            	 FRIDAY - Ham loaf, sweet po-           great-grandchildren and great-great-
differently Chizek said she wouldn’t                                                	 Justin Zobel, 26, of Mason City          Lake Area Chamber of Commerce,                      tatoes, calico corn, mixed fruit, rasp-  grandchildren and several nieces and
change much.                              	 The Clear Lake Police Depart-           has been charged with breaking into        205 Main Avenue; phone 641-357-                     berry lemonade.                          nephews.
	 “My freshman year was really            ment has been awarded a grant from        Bennigan’s in the early morning hours      2159 until Nov. 4. The price of tick-               	 MONDAY - Salisbury ground
tough, both academically and per-         the Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bu-    of Oct. 8. Zobel and 23-year-old           ets is $15.                                         beef, mashed potatoes, mixed vegeta-         Dick was preceded in death by his
sonally, but I don’t think I would do     reau. The grant will fund traffic safety  John Murphy, of Mason City, are            	 The Clear Lake Rotary Club                        bles, peaches, orange juice.             parents; sister, Nancy Cox Munyon;
much differently. Looking back now        programs for the department such as       accused of breaking two of the res-        thanks those individuals and/or or-                 	 TUESDAY - Autumn chicken,              and daughter, Tracy Gratttidge.
it’s really incredible to see how many    community education and enforce-          taurant’s glass doors and damaging a       ganizations who submitted names of                  creamed asparagus, plums, whole          	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel
little things, both positive and nega-    ment projects.  In addition, the grant    security camera. Both men have been        persons for this honor. If a candidate              wheat roll, tomato juice.                assisted with local arrangements.
tive, had to happen for me to end up      pays for one dash camera system for a     charged with third-degree burglary         was not chosen this year, nominees are              	 WEDNESDAY - Cook’s Choice.
in the positions I’m in and to be sur-    squad car.                                and second-degree criminal mischief.       urged to keep them in mind for nomi-                	 Congregate meals are served at           William Sharp
rounded by the people who are in my       	 The grant period began on Oct.          	 Zobel is being held on $13,000           nation in future years.                             the Senior Centers in Clear Lake,
life, and I’m so grateful for all of it.  1, and ends on Sept. 30, 2016.            bond while Murphy is being held on                                                             105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in     	 William (Bill) Leonard Sharp,
	 Her bucket list after graduation                                                  $10,000 bond. Both are due in court                                                            Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45        79, of 20 N. 4th St., Clear Lake, died
includes traveling to Rio for the 2016                                              on Friday for a preliminary hearing.                                                           a.m. Call 357-5443 in Clear Lake         Friday, Oct. 16, 2015 at the Muse-
Olympics.                                                                                                                                                                          and 829-3517 in Ventura for reserva-     Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit, Ma-
                                                                                                                                                                                   tions.                                   son City, Iowa.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            pel, Clear Lake, is in charge of ar-

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