Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 1-27-2016
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Local NewsPage 2 • Jan. 27, 2016									                                                                                                                                   Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

                                                                                           from that night, what she saw, and her                                           More Clear Lake Reporter
                                                                                           brother’s friends, whom she described
                                                                                           as a bunch of leeches.                                                             CALENDAR
                                                                                           	 “They would be at his house grab-
This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s unsolved homicides in the hopes       bing at him for all the money he had,”                                           from page 1                             reation Department has announced
that it will lead to new tips and potentially help solve cases. The project is a partner-  Alicia told Brilbeck in a report that                                                                                    there will be no Open Gym Saturday,
ship between this newspaper and other members of the Iowa Newspaper Association.           aired Feb. 4, 2011. “All the pills that                                          Saturday con’t                          Jan. 30. The Open Gym program will
                                                                                           he had. Medication. He just wouldn’t                                                                                     resume its usual schedule Jan. 31 and
	 Cecil Travis Gaddy found happi-          his wheelchair but that a fire allegedly        have anything left for himself. It was              CECIL GADDY                  will host a town hall meeting starting  continue through March 6. Hours
ness in many things.                       started on a sofa in a room where he            sad. It was horrible.”                                                           at 6 p.m. at the Clear Lake Fire De-    can be found on page 5.
	 He worked as a farm hand and re-         wasn’t present?                                 	 Alicia said her brother felt he had    He grew up and attended school in       partment, 711 2nd Ave. N. 
paired small engines. He taught him-       	 Perhaps most telling is  Gaddy’s              no true friends he could count on, and   Murray, and had lived in Osceola for                                            Monday
self to play guitar and enjoyed writing    death certificate  (copy on file with           that everybody was just taking advan-    the few years prior to his death. He    Poodle skirts
songs. He had a keen interest in com-      Iowa Cold Cases), stating the vic-              tage of him. She also recalled getting   attended the Baptist Church in Mur-                                             Caucus night
puters, and routinely fixed problems       tim’s “Immediate Cause” of death as             the news about  her brother being        ray and loved spending time with his    	 Get ready for the Winter Dance
for those who came to him for help.        “Burns — total body.” Nowhere on                trapped in the blaze and rushing over    niece and nephews. He was preceded      Party by making your own poodle         	 Caucus sites have been an-
Life took its first cruel turn when the    the death certificate is there any men-         to his home.                             in death by his father, Bobby Gaddy,    skirt. In cooperation with the Surf     nounced by each party. The Caucuses
16-year-old teen, his pregnant sister      tion of smoke inhalation. The “Ap-              	 The State Fire Marshal’s report        and great-grandfather, Cecil Montelle   Ballroom, the Clear Lake Arts Cen-      start at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1. Cau-
and her husband and another friend         proximate Interval Between Onset                indicated: “Mr. Gaddy’s wheelchair       Chew.                                   ter will hold a Poodle Skirt Workshop   cus sites for Clear Lake area residents
were passengers in a van and the driver    and Death” — the time it took Cecil             was observed outside the home’s front    	 He was survived by his mother,        with instructor Kate Christensen,       can be found on page 1.
lost control. When the vehicle started     Gaddy to die — is a single handwrit-            door. The ground surrounding the         Denise Gaddy and her friend, Kirk       Saturday, Jan. 30, at 10 a.m. No
to roll, Cecil used his body to protect    ten word: minutes.                              home was covered with deep snow          Sanderson of Osceola; two sisters, Te-  sewing is required. The event is for    Daily
his sister, but eventually was thrown      	 The document also states that au-             averaging eight-inches.” (The snow       resa Luncsford and Alicia Gaddy of      young and old. Sponsored by Larson’s
through the windshield and left with       topsy findings were not available prior         would quickly be trampled and worn       Osceola; a niece, Candace, and neph-    Mercantile, the cost is $35 for Clear   Hit the ice!
a broken back.                             to the completion of the signed Cause           down by the number of responders on      ews Eathan and Logan; grandparents,     Lake Arts Center members and $40
	 Paralyzed from the waist down,           of Death certificate.                           scene.)                                  Russell and Beverly Roberts of Truro;   for non-members, all supplies in-       	 The Clear Lake Parks and Recre-
Cecil struggled to regain his indepen-     	 According to Gaddy’s fam-                     	 Despite knowing where the fire         great-grandmother, Mildred Chew         cluded. Class size is limited. Depend-  ation Department has announced that
dence and keep up with his favorite        ily, there was no way he could have             had started, investigators acknowl-      of Osceola; several aunts, uncles and   ing on the number of participants,      the public ice rink is now open for the
activities. Though he couldn’t walk, he    dragged himself into the home. It was           edged they’d never been able to nail     cousins; other relatives and a host of  some skirts may need to be finished     season. Open skating is permitted
could still use his hands, and his trusty  the only way for him to get around              down a cause. Gaddy was a smoker,        friends.                                (seam and waist band sewn) after the    anytime at the rink, which is located
wheelchair could take him nearly any-      once inside — including from the liv-           but his body hadn’t been found any-      Information Needed                      workshop. To get a registration form    at Marian Park on 2nd Ave. N. and
where he wanted to go.                     ing room to the bedroom — and he                where near the sofa.                     	 If you have any information about     go online to, or   N. 12 St. Warming house hours are
	 After high school he rented his          never would have left it outside.               	 With so much time passed since         Cecil Gaddy’s unsolved murder, please   stop by the Clear Lake Arts Center at   nightly, 6-8:30 p.m. and Saturday
own house at 315 E. Shaw St. in            Still Waiting for Answers                       the fire, Duffus said finding evidence   contact Iowa Division of Criminal In-   17 S. 4th Street in downtown Clear      and Sundays from 1-6 p.m. Monday
Osceola, Iowa and kept the place spot-     	 Seven years after her brother’s               to reopen the case was almost impos-     vestigation  Special Agent in Charge    Lake or call 641-357-1998. A second     nights are designated as high school
less. He also began hanging out with       death, Alicia Gaddy — who lived in              sible.                                   Mike Motsinger at 515-725-6010 or       Poodle Skirt Workshop will be held at   skate nights.
the wrong people — offering them his       Phoenix, Ariz. at the time — spoke              	 Family members, however, said          FBI Special Agent Jon Moeller at 712-   10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3.
prescription medication and money in       to Channel 13’s Aaron Brilbeck via              they suspected arson from the very       258-1920.
exchange for their friendship. Some        Skype about what she remembers                  beginning and had voiced their sus-                                              Open gym change
“friends,” however, soon started taking                                                    picions to Osceola police and fire de-
advantage, sticking around for days                                                        partment officials before the fire was                                           	 The Clear Lake Parks and Rec-
at a time and making more and more                                                         even completely extinguished.
demands. Cecil’s personal items and                                                        About Cecil Gaddy
pain medication began to disappear.                                                        	 Cecil Travis Gaddy was born April
	 In January of 2004, Cecil called                                                         8, 1984, in Des Moines, Iowa, to Bob-
his sister, Alicia Gaddy. He told her                                                      by Gaddy and Denise Roberts Gaddy.
his friends wanted him to set up a
meth lab in his home but he’d refused
to let them do it. He told Alicia he’d
also cut them off from his money and
his pain meds, and was afraid of what
they might do.
	 Less than a week later on Satur-
day, Jan. 31, Osceola fire officials re-
sponded to a call stating Gaddy’s East
Shaw Street home was on fire. They
found Gaddy’s deceased body in a
back bedroom — lying face down.
	 Though officials were quick to
rule Gaddy’s death an  “accident”
caused by a house fire, details later
emerged that showed the young man’s
fiery death was anything but acciden-
Total Body Burns;

Wheelchair Outside
	 State Fire Marshal inspector Da-
vid Linkletter, who investigated the
case, said the fire started on the living
room sofa, though Gaddy’s body was
found on his bed in a back bedroom.
Gaddy’s wheelchair, a necessity for
him to move from room to room, was
found outside in the snow, several feet
away from a  house equipped with a
	 According to the State Fire Mar-
shal’s report, there was approximately
eight inches of snow on the ground
at the time, and the wheelchair’s loca-
tion raised several questions from the
	 •Why would Cecil  have left his
wheelchair outside the home in the
	 •Paralyzed from the waist down,
how would he have crawled across
the snow-covered yard and into the
	 •If someone had  taken him out
and later brought  him home, why
would they have dumped the wheel-
chair in the yard rather than taking it
into his home?
	 •Was it not a remarkable coinci-
dence that Cecil was never without
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